KickStarter Journal Day 3

It's Day 3 of my KickStarter journey and today I gained an new backer. Yeah!

As I said in Day 1 I  planned on going beyond social media and texting to actually having meaningful conversations with people who may be potential backers. I did the very thing and had lunch with a friend. I also shared my story at a party and I gave a plug for my book at my men's group. After speaking with them I did get confirmation that some of them would back me.

Now you may be thinking that one of those conversations led to me getting a new backer today. Actually after waiting all day to check the status as I vowed to do in Day 2, I opened it up at 7:45 PM and saw that I didn't get any new pledges. A little disappointed I started thinking what my next strategy would be. Then my angel appeared. My little girl looked over my shoulder and asked if I got any more backers today. When I told her no, she quickly replied, "I'll back you, daddy!"

Wow! My little girl just made my day and she just made this journey even more meaningful. So today I'm signing off with a high note and I look forward to what tomorrow brings.

To a Life Beyond Ordinary!
Orlando Javien Jr., The Man of Many Hats