KickStarter Journal Day 2

I awoke early this morning to get some exercise and prepare myself for my work day. Before I left for my workout I jumped on my KickStarter campaign to see if anyone got bored during the wee hours and thought it would be cool to back my project. Wishful thinking but no luck.

As I returned from my workout I thought about what types of lessons I could learn from the day. The first thing I decided to do was not check my campaign every hour on the hour or every minute on the minute. I made a decision to wait until the evening to check the status.

The word of God says,  "Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." - Phil 4:6-7

The  Bible verse served me well today because as you can see in the above image I didn't get any new backers and if I had checked it every few minutes then every few minutes I would have been discouraged. Instead all day I imagined that I was going to be 50% funded by the end of the night.

By allowing myself to think positively I actually felt excited all day. I felt like a little kid awaiting his Christmas presents. Although I was a bit disappointed with the end number I am still sitting here with a smile because the journey is giving me something to write about and if I was fully funded by day two then what would I write about tomorrow?

Signing out for now!

Orlando Javien Jr., The Man of Many Hats